
Latest News

Updated as of February 18, 2025.

Giving for Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

If you would like to make a special gift to help offset our added expense for supply Pastors on Sundays in December and January, please use the envelopes in the basket on the table in the narthex. Thank you in advance for your generosity and prayers during this challenging time.

Noontime Bible Study

Wednesdays from 12:00pm- 1:00pm in the church narthex beginning February 17, 2025.

We continue our Bible study entitled, “30 Days with Jesus, Experiencing His Presence Throughout the Old and New Testaments” by Lysa Terkeurst and Dr. Joel Muddamalle.

‘When world events feel chaotic and scaryWhen you feel crippled by fear and anxiety... When you feel hurt by the very people you thought you could count on

This study will help you:

  • Reframe your questions and doubts as opportunities to look for Jesus with greater intentionality throughout your day.
  • Make connections between the Old and New Testaments so you can understand the Bible as one complete story.

Jesus isn’t hiding from us; He’s waiting to be seen by us.  Let this Bible study help you experience His presence every single day.
Please join us on February 19th.  Everyone is welcome!

52 Weeks of Giving

Week 26 (February 16,2025)
Where does your offering go?
Why give to the church?
Does it make a difference?
Check below to learn more!

As we move to the time in our worship service where we offer our financial gifts to God’s church, a portion of your offering given to Trinity supports Leadership Development: ELCA colleges, universities and seminaries.


The Lutheran Reformation included a reform of society and education as well as the church.  Lutheran reformers insisted that schools be established and that education for all, not just the aristocratic elites, was an implication of the Gospel.  This tenet continues to guide Lutheran colleges and universities in the ELCA today.  Although originally established by immigrant Lutherans to serve their own communities, ELCA colleges and universities now serve Lutherans and non-Lutherans alike. The 26 colleges and universities of the ELCA were founded between 1832 (Gettysburg College) and 1959 (California Lutheran University).  They are organized into an association called the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU).  The only college related to the ELCA in Canada – Luther College in Regina, Saskatchewan – is also a member of NECU.


ELCA colleges and universities educate young adults in body, mind, and spirit to find their vocation and purpose in life as well as a career.


Pennsylvania colleges and universities include Gettysburg College, Muhlenberg College, Susquehanna University, and Thiel College.

Abiding Missions Social Ministry

Recently Chaplain Anais of Abiding Missions visited us.   She gave a great sermon and then spent some time during Sunday School sharing some stories and needs of Abiding Mission.  The desserts, fruit, soups and after school treats we have been providing are very much appreciated – keep ‘em coming! . 

They also could use toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, adult cotton socks, adult (men and women) underwear, and disposable underwear. (Depends, etc.)  Abiding Missions also serves as a warming center – homemade soups and chili are greatly appreciated.  The easiest way to transport these items are in freezer bags or containers.  Frozen soup and chili can be placed in the freezer in the fellowship hall. 


The next collection is Sunday, March 9th.  Items can be placed in the Narthex marked for Abiding Missions or on the designated cart in the fellowship hall.   If you are interested in visiting Abiding Missions please see Pastor Paul Poerschke, he visits once a month and attends a neighborhood breakfast while delivering our gifts.  If you have any questions, please contact Terri Mostoller.   Thank you for your continued support.


“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.”  Proverbs 19:17

Cereal Drive for Light House
Food Pantry

From March 16th- April 13th, we are holding a cereal drive for those at the LightHouse Food Pantry. Please consider bringing in donations of cereal which other children will enjoy.  Big boxes or small boxes.  With or without gluten.  Any donations from kids or from grown-ups would be appreciated!

Thank you for your continued support of the local area food bank. All non-perishable food items are appreciated and much needed. A list of items needed is posted on the bulletin board. Food donations can be
placed in the large blue bin in the hallway outside of the church office.

Acolyte Training Services

Parents of 3rd Grade students and up are asked to please sign their child up to Acolyte for services.

Training will be provided, if the child needs it. The sheet is located on the upper doors to the Sunday School rooms. See Rise’ Kostilnik, or any member of the Worship and Music Committee, or their Sunday School teacher, with questions.

Sarris Candy Bar Sale

The women are selling Sarris Candy Bars in the narthex. We have Almond, Plain, Peanut Butter, and Crispy bars for $2.00/each. Chocolate-covered Pretzel Rods are $3.00/each. Stop by and buy a few!

“Kids of the Kingdom”

Mark your calendars for these special days of fun: March 9, April 13, 2025.

During the 2nd Sunday of every month, children ages 2 years to 2nd grade are invited to leave the church service after the Children’s sermon. Children will go upstairs for a snack, story, craft, and activity. Children will return just before Communion.

Ash Wednesday


At 12:00 noon there will be Lunchtime Bible Study in the narthex.  Please join us following the 11:00AM worship.

Shrove Tuesday Waffle Dinner

Save the date: March 4, 2025 6:00pm-7:30pm in Ackermann Hall!

There is lots to look forward to on the menu such as: waffles, bacon, sausage, ice cream and toppings with so much more!

No charge, however free will offerings are always appreciated.

All are invited- Please Join Us!



Lenten Bible Study Save-the-Dates

Lenten Bible Study – Co-ed and cross-generational @9:30am
Mar 9th: Wonder and The Word
Mar 16th: The Good Samaritan
Mar 23rd: Living Water
Mar 30th: Good Soil
Apr 6th: Creatures Great & Small
Apr 13th: Hope in Action – You CAN Make a  difference!    

“Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Through your goodness you have blessed us with these gifts. With them we offer ourselves to your service and dedicate our lives to the care and redemption of all that you have made.”                                                                                    

LBW: p109 & hymn 564

Richland VFD Annual All-You-Can-Eat Pancake & Sausage Breakfast

When: Sunday March 2, 2025; 9am-1pm
Where: 5857 Meridian Rd Gibsonia, PA 15044

On Sunday March 2nd, 2025, from 9:00am to 1:00pm the Richland Township Volunteer Fire Department will once again hold its annual “All You Can Eat Pancake and Sausage Breakfast,” at our fire hall which is located at 5857 Meridian Road in Gibsonia, Pa. 15044.  There is no admission cost, but we are asking for a free will donation.  The breakfast is held regardless of the weather and features regular and buckwheat pancakes, fresh sausage, hot cinnamon apples and beverages.  This year we are also featuring many baskets to win with our Basket Auction. 

This is one of the many fundraising events that is held by the fire department each year with all proceeds going towards our general and building funds.

Thank you for your support!!

Check Back Soon for More Updates!